I know that everyone already knows this, but I'm not taking any chances!
I'm not making any money by using their wonderful material. It's all just for fun, so it's not worth getting angry over copyright issues.
I don't think I'm using any images that aren't for public use, but if I am, please email me and I'll remove your image as soon as possible.
Every image I do use has a link to the page where I found it. (Thanks, everyone!)
The images on the Character pages are from Rumpleteazer's Hideout. There is a link on each page, but I didn't have time to link each picture individually.
The fanfiction belongs to the author. (Thanks, Megera, Tamanoella, and Lightspeed!)
Jacob's Tuxedo Shadow
The JELLICLE Society
The Jacob Brent Guardian Angels
This isn't about seeing which club can recruit the most members. I just want Jacob to know how much he is loved and admired. He deserves it! So if you're a fan, join a club!
I would like to thank my human's best friend. In her conversations with my human (not that I was eavesdropping or anything), she has mentioned a few ideas that I've adapted for this website. She is also a constant source of encouragement, and for that I'm extremely grateful. (She found the site one day. I think my human is still clueless at this point. Too involved with dance, I suppose.)
If someone wants to use the "wishing stars for a star" idea, please email me. I'm generally a nice cat, and I'll most likely let you use it, as long as I get some credit for the original idea.
If you want to use it as a Jacob Brent fan club, um, well...
Ahem. No.